Choose Exact match for the match_type parameter.Insert 5 as the col_index_number argument as we are looking to retrieve data from the 5th column from our table.Select the range of cells B5:F17 which defines the table where the data is stored (the table array argument).

To write the VLOOKUP formula in cell F2 follow these steps:
How to use vlookup in excel to link two datas how to#
Video can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to use VLOOKUP in Excel () How to write a VLOOKUP formula Here's a quick video from Microsoft that demonstrated how to write a VLOOKUP formula. If you want to be on the safe side I strongly recommend that you always input a value for your match_type argument. Since the match type parameter is optional please remember that Excel uses Approximate match by default. I can safely say that probably around 95% of your VLOOKUP formulas will use Exact match. Because we are looking for a specific employee ID we need to use Exact match. The final step is to choose Exact match or Approximate match. This is important! Since we need the Annual Salary (which is stored on column F) we will use 5 as col_index_num argument. Keep in mind that this refers to the number of columns from the table array range and not the Excel column number. The third step is to check the column number from where we want to retrieve the info.

In the image above example, this is table B5:F17 and this range is the table array argument. The second step is to select the data where this info is available.